Wool and the Gang!

A couple of weeks ago, I got a comment on my blog from someone saying “they were trying to get in contact with me”.  I review all my comments before I let them post to make sure that they are first of all “nice” (I don’t get that many comments, but so far they have always been nice!) and second that some spam hasn’t slipped through.

I occasionally read through my spam because I get to see and am always amused by comments like “That’s art in my book, Jake. Tasty art! Did you hear Hormel is out as the hot dog supplier for the Twins?”  Or “Mary, your site has blessed me in many ways”  – I’m often addressed by a name that’s not mine.

So anyway, I am always a little skeptical about comments. But this comment was spelled correctly (Spam comments are always littered with errors), it was brief, and had a website attached.  So I checked it out and discovered a really interesting company that is dedicated to fiber and promoting knitting.

It’s called Wool and the Gang, and they have such an interesting story. This is a company in London that sells yarn. But it’s much more than that.  They sell these amazing yarn kits as well.  Or if you find something you like, but you don’t knit, you can instead buy handknit items that they have made. I really like too that they are also committed to buying only sustainably sourced wool.  They pledge that they are committed to reducing environmental impact.

So I emailed them and got a very nice response from a lady named Ali.  She told me that they enjoyed my blog, and that they’d like to send me a kit to try out.

Having looked at their very creative and energetic website, I just thought this was the coolest, and I emailed back to tell her so.

She emailed again to ask me if I would be interested in a kit to make this really cool poncho.  She also said that it would keep my “lovely little Davey warm” as well.  So of course I agreed that I would love to try a kit out!

The kit is on its way now, and I am very excited to receive the pattern and yarn. I will post pictures of my progress soon!

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