Miniature socks and Davey

I’ve been knitting some miniature sock ornaments for a few little Christmas gifts.


There are a bunch of free patterns to choose from.  I even found one that is knit flat and then sewn up, but I went with dpns in the round even though it’s a little fiddly at first.  Overall, they were fun to knit and went pretty quickly.

After I was done, I wanted to make pretty cords so that they can be hung on the tree. I wasn’t sure what the best way was to do this.  I found one technique where you cast on 36 stitches and then cast them off.  This worked pretty well.  I did some that way, and then I did the rest with a 3 stitch i-cord.  I’m not sure which one I like knitting better.  They look pretty similar, and I think they took about the same time to knit.


I wanted to take some pictures, and I enlisted the help of Davey.  I always enjoy getting some new pictures of Davey.



What is great about these little socks is that I was able to use leftover yarn to make them.  I had some fun leftovers to choose from too.  I had some Zauberball wool, some Wollmeise, and best of all, I had some cashmere as well.  I have not knit with cashmere that much (not nearly enough).  It worked well for these little socks.

ministocking-3Thanks to my cooperative little Davey!